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Code of conduct 

Bilde av folk som klatrer
John Dahle Skipshandel AS is an organization who wants to be known for our good values and focus on sustainable operations. With these guidelines we want to ensure that the values are passed on to our suppliers and partners, so that we can ensure that all employees in our supply chain are treated with respect, dignity, and good working conditions.
We want to ensure that the suppliers we engage with operates in accordance with internationally recognized minimum standards on human rights, labor, and anticorruption.

John Dahle Skipshandel AS adhere to the principles of this Code and expect the same of its suppliers. Where there are differences between the terms of this Code and national laws or other applicable standards, the supplier shall always adhere to the higher or more stringent requirements.

Here you can read our statements according to the Transparency Act. ((Only in Norwegian))

Download Code of conduct by pressingt here
Here you can read our statements according to the Transparency Act. ((Only in Norwegian)) here
